M.A.Z.E 001: Two Jocks, A Cheerleader, and a Priest Two jocks, a cheerleader, and a priest walk into Bella Vista’s Italian Bistro and Bar like it’s some kind of joke. The priest isn’t a part of this, they just happen to be there, holding the door as the other three enter. As soon as they […]Read More

M.A.Z.E. 002
M.A.Z.E 002: Bloody Mary, Cryptic Message I should have ordered a drink, I mutter as I recall that every ‘mysterious stranger in a bar’ scene in any movie ever always had the unknown figure hovering over a mug of something while they glare at the hero and sip. Then I remember the cost of a […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. 003
M.A.Z.E 003: Some Straight to TV 80’s Vampire Hunter Movie After a few minutes of self pity I turn around and head for the street, circling around the building to the front door. The Bloody Marys are still at the bar, but the vampires have moved. I find them quickly, over by the billiard table, […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. 004
M.A.Z.E 004: find Vampires and Run Away I click my heel against the wall behind me and a small knife springs from the toe of my boot. I twist my leg and dig the blade into Brady’s side, just below his rib cage. He’s caught off guard and drops me as he stumbles back a […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. 005
M.A.Z.E 005: Gishban! Vampires don’t have any supernatural weakness to wooden stakes to the heart, that’s just an urban legend. Sort of. I mean, anything stabbed in the heart with a wooden stake is going to die, but vampires don’t stay dead from it, they just fall into a comatose-like state and wake again when […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. 006
M.A.Z.E 006: Villain Monologue Cordelia smiles at me over the bartender’s shoulder, a big, toothy smile that tells me she’s extremely pleased with herself. “Oh my god,” Cordelia says, her face shifting from giddy demon to concerned citizen in a blink as she helps lay the victim- my victim- gently upon the ground. “Oh god, […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. 007
M.A.Z.E 007: Like a Sack of Potatoes Sara is moving now; she’s on her hands and knees when Cordelia grabs her arm and helps her to her feet. She takes the bartender by the chin and turns her to face me. “You’ve just died,” Cordelia whispers into her ear. “You have the benefit of meeting […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. 008
M.A.Z.E Chapter Two 008: I’m the Dumb One The latch on my bedroom window is still broken so it slides open with no resistance. Dad had always said that since my room is on the third floor there was no need to fix it. “Who would be dumb enough to climb up here?” he would […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. 009
M.A.Z.E Chapter Two 009: PPIMGBB I freeze in place, and when I’m not immediately shot in the back I slowly raise my hands over head so whoever is behind me knows I’m not a threat. “Turn around slowly.” My heart skips a beat when I hear the voice. What the fuck is my boyfriend doing […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. Compendium One
M.A.Z.E. ONE “Football Players” Two jocks, a cheerleader, and a priest walk into Bella Vista’s Italian Bistro and Bar like it’s some kind of joke. The priest isn’t a part of this, they just happen to be there, holding the door as the other three enter. As soon as they pass, he follows them in […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. Compendium Two
M.A.Z.E. Two “PPIMGBB” The latch on my bedroom window is still broken so it slides open with no resistance. Dad had always said that since my room is on the third floor there was no need to fix it. “Who would be dumb enough to climb up here?” he would say. It’s me, Hi, I’m […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. 010
M.A.Z.E Chapter Two 010: Why Are You Here? There is no way to talk my way out of this. I could argue all day but until he sees something for himself there is no way to prove to him that any of this is real. Vampires have been hiding from humanity for centuries, having convinced […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. Compendium Three
M.A.Z.E Chapter Three I Was Eating That It’s the feeling of something wet and warm in my mouth that I am first aware of. The thick, smooth fluid ran down my throat like a velvety elixir, leaving a trail of warmth from my tongue to my tummy. As the warmth spreads I regain a little […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. Compendium Four
M.A.Z.E Chapter Four Discordant melody of survival “Alright, now what?” I have a few options, I can either head back to Bella Vista’s and find my lighter, I can head home and reconnect with family, or I can wander off and face this new apocalyptic world head on. Option one would bring me immediate access […]Read More
M.A.Z.E. Compendium Five
M.A.Z.E Chapter Five Die Harded The evidence room is full of boxes with various labels, all featuring last names of what I presume are criminals in the area. It takes me a moment to figure out the organization but I eventually find that it’s sectioned into categories like weapons, documents, drugs, and personal belongings. After […]Read More